Optimized routing, location tracking & field efficiency features

Build optimal routes. View team’s current & historic locations. Check into waypoints. Plan regular routes.

Mapsly offers a wide range of tools to boost your field team’s efficiency

  • Multi-day optimized routing via up to 1000 locations at a time, for one user or entire teams, based on various job constraints (duration, required skills, open hours, etc.) and user/vehicle parameters (work schedule, vehicle type, truck capacity, skills/equipment, etc.) that can be controlled directly from your CRM.
  • Routing-powered calendar integrated with your CRM calendar, Google Calendar and (soon) MS Outlook Calendar showing travel time between meetings, scheduling conflicts and allowing you to optimally plan your meetings for your field team in Mapsly, while filling in available time between existing calendar events. 
  • Configurable check-in/check-out with geofencing, with adaptive forms for gathering data, photos, documents, and recipients’ e-signatures.
  • User location tracking with daily reporting.
  • Customizable field performance dashboards.
  • Continuous routing: planning multi-day routes for your team with night stops along the route.
  • Navigation for trucks and cars.
  • Regular visit planning.
  • Customizable AI analysis of data collected by your field team.

Optimized routing, for individuals and teams

Use Mapsly’s web and mobile apps to build optimized routes with up to 1000 jobs, based on live and historic traffic data, and various job constraints (duration, required skills, capacity, open hours, etc.) and vehicle parameters (vehicle type, truck capacity, starting/finish locations, working hours, etc.) that may be controlled on a per-record/per-user basis directly from your CRM or spreadsheet.

Your users can plan routes in their mobile apps for themselves on-the-go, or a dispatcher can plan routes for them, individually or for entire teams (for up to 20 users at a time), for one day or multiple days ahead, based on your users’ individual working hours and their individual starting and ending locations.

Mapsly supports 4 job types: service, pickup, delivery, or pickup-delivery. A pickup-delivery job will translate into 2 activities — one for the pickup and one for the delivery — in one route. Indicate the capacity for your trucks to be used with pickup, delivery and pickup-delivery jobs and the capacity required by each job. You may have multiple capacity dimensions at once.

Route jobs may be represented by any CRM objects, including custom ones, or any sheets in a spreadsheet, with any job constraints mapped on their fields/columns — this way you can control your job constraints directly from your CRM or spreadsheet. 

You may have records from multiple different objects/sheets in your route at once. When necessary, add arbitrary locations to your route from an address, GPS coordinates, points of interest (like hotels, medical facilities, etc) or previously saved places. 

When optimizing routes, Mapsly automatically re-orders activities in resulting routes — to minimize the total driving time, balance your workload between users, or meet your custom optimization goals. You may also edit the resulting routes after the planning is complete as well.

If your team members have existing fixed-time meetings, Mapsly will plan new visits “around” them, filling in available time between them in the most optimal way based on their locations.

When planning routes for today, Mapsly will suggest the most optimal starting time and location for every driver based on today’s working hours, current location (when used with location tracking), and the previously planned routes for today.

Vehicle parameters may be entered in Mapsly for each user, or you may indicate which of your CRM objects (or sheets in your spreadsheet) represent vehicles and map any of the vehicle parameters on its fields (columns) thus controlling your vehicle parameters directly from your CRM or spreadsheet in real time.

Resulting routes are accessible programmatically in Mapsly workflows and custom buttons, which enables exporting route information back to your CRM or spreadsheet and executing custom processes with it.

Routing-Powered Calendar

With Mapsly’s Routing-Powered Calendar, you can view your team’s calendar events as routes on the map, see traveling time between meetings and can optimally plan new meetings with auto-sequencing and “around” your existing fixed-time meetings right on your calendar timeline, or by exporting your routes to the calendar. 

Mapsly’s Calendar is integrated with your CRM’s calendar, Google Calendar and soon MS Outlook Calendar. 

Learn more about Routing-Powered Calendar

Continuous Routing with Night Stops Along the Route

Plan multi-day routes, for individual users or your entire team, that start and end at specified locations with night breaks automatically planned my Mapsly along the continuous route

If one visit may take more than one day, you may request Mapsly that such jobs be split and planned for multiple days.

Optionally, you may allow overtime — to let Mapsly automaitcally extend a working day for your team member so that a job that otherwise would not fit into a working day could be finished on the same day.

Configurable check-in/check-out

Check into your route activities: add notes, create tasks, gather various data using custom forms, take photos, upload documents, and save it to the record that you’re checking into, or create a new “Check-in” record — in our CRM or in Mapsly.

Save photos and uploaded documents as attachments to your CRM (if your CRM’s API supports receiving attachments).

Let your recipients sign off deliveries with electronic signatures saved as images to Mapsly or your CRM as attachments.

Use the user’s current location to automatically calculate the distance from the user to the route waypoint’s location and save it to your CRM. If necessary, prevent users from checking into locations if they’re too far away from it, or simply mark such check-ins as Unverified.

Optionally, enable checking out of your route stops: save additional check-out data to the record you’re checking out of, or create a new “Check-out” record.

Sync check-in/check-out data immediately to your CRM, or — if your CRM doesn’t support custom objects or custom fields in some of its standard objects — save it in Mapsly with a reference to your CRM records.

Check-in and check-out processes are simply examples of automation configured with the Mapsly automation suite that can be executed by buttons placed into the context of a route waypoint, and can be flexibly configured (without writing code) to perform any sequence of actions like creating or updating CRM records, calling out external APIs and using their responses down the process flow, sending out SMS or emails. Similarly, you can configure any other processes and make them available for route waypoints of particular objects.

Implementation of automation including check-in/check-out and any other custom processes is included in your Mapsly subscription — contact us via chat or schedule a call with our solution engineer to discuss your vision and use scenarios — and we’ll implement it in Mapsly, so you can focus on your business.

Location tracking with Mapsly mobile app & daily reporting

Using the Mapsly mobile app your traveling users can track their location, and Mapsly users with appropriate permissions can view their current position and the history of their movements.

Tracking can be automatically activated and deactivated by schedule and continues to work even after the Mapsly mobile app is unloaded from memory (swiped up in the list of apps) or the phone/tablet is rebooted.

Location tracking is thoughtfully designed to preserve battery. In particular, it uses the phone’s accelerometer to determine when the user stops – to pause tracking and data transmission until the user resumes moving.

Location tracking does not require an internet connection to work – while offline, the mobile app collects location data and transmits it to the Mapsly server once the mobile device is back online.

Once a day, for each tracked device Mapsly summarizes the total traveled distance and time and the report is available for your analysis.

Regular visit planning

If your team regularly visits your points of sale, clients, vendors, or any locations represented by a CRM object, Mapsly can help you plan regular visits with the desired frequency and duration, while minimizing the cumulative driving time thus maximizing the team’s efficiency and capacity. The result is the set of daily routes per user.

The frequency and duration of visits can be specified down to a particular location – by mapping the CRM fields that keep this data. You can also indicate a condition that records must meet to be included in the planning.

As new locations are added or existing ones are removed, routes can be re-planned – Mapsly will use the check-in events to determine when locations (records) were visited last time to plan the next visit for each of them. During re-planning previously planned routes are removed and re-created to account for the up-to-date set of locations and their properties.

Mapsly supports two modes of planning:

  • Individual mode: For a particular user Mapsly will plan visits to the records assigned to the user and all produced routes will be assigned to this user. Planning and subsequent re-planning can be performed by any user at any time.

  • Team mode: Visits are planned in a centralized way by a responsible user (“dispatcher”) for all participating traveling users a once. In this mode, visits are distributed between team members to maximize the efficiency of the whole team.

Offline Mode in Mapsly Mobile App

On Mapsly’s Pro and Enterprise Plans, users may continue to use Mapsly’s mobile app even without an active internet connection. The following functions are available when offline:

  • viewing CRM and spreadsheet data,
  • viewing the map (within regions previously downloaded for use when offline),
  • creating new and update existing CRM records,
  • checking in to and out of your visits (certain limitations to forms will apply),
  • using custom buttons and forms (with certain limitations).

While offline:

  • new and updated data and files are cached on your mobile device — and synced with the Mapsly server when you’re back online,
  • automation scenarios initiated with buttons/forms are queued with their input data — and are executed on the server when the connection restores.

soon Give Your Recipients an Interactive Out For Delivery Map

Text your recipients an link with an interactive map  showing your courier’s location on the map, a route line to the recipient’s location, estimated time of arrival — all updating in real time — as well as their delivery order details and actions buttons to reschedule delivery, leave feedback, etc.

Built with Mapsly’s app builder (part of Mapsly Automation Platform), this customer-facing app is entirely customizable and can be upgraded to a fully-featured customer portal, within days and without the need for any custom IT development.