Customizable map with live CRM data & adjustable markers

View/update all objects & fields, including custom ones, on the map. Сustomize markers. Add layers & filters.

Data from your data sources, including custom objects and custom fields, is immediately viewable on Google Maps, and immediately editable in Mapsly with real-time sync to the data source.

Your data in Mapsly

Many ways to view data

View your data on the map, in the table view, list view, in a map popup and a full-sized record view.

Pick fields to display

Each user can adjust, per object, which fields (including custom ones) should be shown in every part of the user interface: marker label, record view, table view and list view.

Map layers with custom markers

Split your data into layers with configurable markers. Auto-generate layers based on a field’s values. Switch between layer groups to instantly re-colorize your data based on different criteria. Learn more

Use address, GPS coordinates, or parent object’s location

Mapsly plots your records based on their address or GPS coordinates, or it can use a related (parent) record’s location, like the parent Account for a Deal/Opportunity.

Adjustable clustering, map tiles & transparency

Choose your map tiles and transparency and adjust the point clustering settings, or turn off clustering entirely.

Street view

View Google Street view of your record’s location right in Mapsly.

ccs featured image

CCS Construction Staffing tripled the number of new leads per sales rep 

Learn how CCS Construction Staffing uses Mapsly’s advanced integration with HubSpot, dynamic forms, and optimized routing to get more leads and increase sales while making field activities more transparent.

Ready to get Started?

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