Mapsly Analytics

Powerful & intuitive business intelligence platform with drag-n-drop dashboards and 40+ chart types

Mapsly Analytics is a modern, enterprise-ready self-service business intelligence platform. It is fast, intuitive, and loaded with options that make it easy for users of all skill sets to explore your Mapsly data using either a simple no-code visual builder or state-of-the-art SQL IDE, and visualize it using 40+ types of charts, from simple pie charts to highly detailed geospatial charts.

All your Mapsly data, including route activities, check-in data, your CRM data (including custom objects and custom fields), Google Sheets and data pushed to Mapsly via the Mapsly API or Zapier, is immediately available in Mapsly Analytics without the need for any extra integration or data mapping.

Key Features

Mapsly Analytics is loaded with advanced features enabling users of all skill sets to explore and visualize their data.

Drag-n-drop dashboards

Build your charts and complex beautiful dashboards in minutes using drag-n-drop visual builder

40+ chart types

Explore a selection of 40+ charts ranging from simple pie and line charts to complex geospacial and funnel charts

Advanced filtering

Combine chart-specific with dashboard-level cross filters and variables to create connected charts

Drill-by & drill-to-detail

Easily switch between different levels of data aggregation and quickly access underlying data records

Custom columns & datasets

Add custom columns based on SQL-expressions to your datasets. Pre-aggregate your data from one or multiple data source in virtual datasets.

Direct SQL access

Access your data tables across all your data source directly using SQL queries

Analytics for Field Sales & Service Teams

Mapsly Analytics comes with a pre-configured set of dashboards and charts for a 360º-analysis of your field sales and service team’s activity. These dashboards can be adjusted and expanded in minutes to support your custom processes and custom requirements for analysis. Learn more in Masply Help Center.

Mapsly Analytics Pricing

Mapsly Analytics is available as an add-on on all Mapsly plans and is priced per user: $45 per user who can create new and modify existing dashboards and $15 per view-only user.

Ready to get Started?

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