Plan Optimal Routes for Multiple Users and Multiple Days

Account for multiple parameters like truck capacity, job priority, required skills, working schedules, and many more

Use Mapsly to plan optimized routes for multiple users and/or multiple days at once, for up to 1000 locations (“route jobs”) at a time, based on various job constraints and vehicle parameters, and adjustable optimization goals.

To account for job constraints of individual route jobs, like duration or required skills, simply map the fields where these parameters are stored in your CRM records or spreadsheet columns — and Mapsly will use their values when routes are built.

Vehicle parameters can be entered manually in Mapsly, or mapped on fields of any CRM object or a sheet in your spreadsheet, thus controlled directly from your CRM/spreadsheet as well.

Multi-day routing

A wide range of supported job constraints & vehicle parameters

Mapsly supports the following job constraints:

  • job type (service, pickup, delivery, or pickup and delivery in one route),
  • priority,
  • availability time windows,
  • required truck capacity with configurable dimensions,
  • required skills (configurable),
  • stop duration,
  • allowed and disallowed drivers,
  • and more.

The supported vehicle parameters are:

  • vehicle type (card, light truck, full-sized truck, scooter, bycicle),
  • capacity (single- or multi-dimensional),
  • driver’s skills (or truck characteristics and special equipment),
  • start/end locations,
  • lunch break time
  • work schedule,
  • min/max route activities per shift,
  • and more.

Job types & capacity

In advanced routing, you are planning jobs. Depending on the job type, a job may result in one or two locations in the resulting routes. There are 4 types of jobs in Mapsly:

  • service: simply a location to be visited. This is the default type, also used in the simple routing;
  • pickup: a location where the driver will be picking up cargo that will be filling the truck’s capacity, so the number of pickup jobs within one route will be limited by the truck’s capacity;
  • delivery: a location where the driver will be dropping off cargo thus releasing the truck’s capacity (cargo for all delivery jobs in a route is implicitly loaded before the route starts),
  • pickup-delivery: a pair of locations, one where the driver will pick up cargo and one where the cargo needs to be dropped off within the same route.

While pickup, delivery and pickup-delivery jobs can be planned without using capacity, these types of jobs are typically used in scenarios where vehicles have limited capacity and jobs have non-zero capacity (their cargo takes up certain space in vehicles).

Capacity can be one-dimensional, or can include multiple dimensions each being expressed by an integer number. 

(Re-)planning today's routes based on users' real-time location

When planning routes for the current day, Mapsly will use your users’ real-time location, their today’s working schedule and the information about their planned routes for today to show their availability and suggest their starting time and location. (Learn more about user location tracking in Mapsly.)


You may assign “skills” that represent driver abilities or vehicle chacacteristics to individual Mapsly users and jobs — and Mapsly will be assigning a Mapsly user to a job only if the user has all the skills required by the job.

A skill is simply a text variable. You can store skills in your CRM as comma-separated text values in a text field, or in a single- or multi-choice picklist.

More routing capabilities with Mapsly automation suite

Since job constraints and vehicle parameters are pulled from the fields of your CRM records or spreadsheet rows, you can easily implement variable job constraints and vehicle parameters based on a condition — by adding new custom fields (columns) and filling them in with workflows using Mapsly automation suite or your CRM/spreadsheet capabilities.

You can also access your route data programmatically with the Mapsly automation suite, for example to send routing data to your CRM in real-time when a dispatcher publishes a route.

[Coming soon] Calendar & more routing capabilities

With the upcoming Spring & Summer 2023 updates we’ll be introducing more routing features and improvements:

  • routing-powered calendar that will allow you to see traveling time between meetings and plan your calendar events directly in Mapsly to avoid scheduling conflicts (Mapsly calendar will automatically sync with your CRM’s or Google calendar);

  • multi-day planning “around” existing calendar meetings and (bulk-)exporting route activities to the calendar as new meetings;

  • real-time replanning of today’s routes for your drivers, with new routes pushed to their mobile devices;

  • continuous (long-haul) routes: plan multi-day routes that start and end at specified locations with night breaks planned along the route;

  • offline capabilities for the Mapsly mobile apps;

  • app builder for creating customer-facing web apps, like an Uber-style interactive map showing the courier’s real-time location and their movement toward the recipient, order information and various buttons like Leave feedback, Update destination, etc.