Boost Team Productivity with Visit Scripting

Guide your field sales & service teams through the visit process with automated forms

What is Visit Scripting?

Visit scripting is a best practice in field team management that requires a field sales rep or field service technician to follow preconfigured visit scenarios whose further steps automatically adjust on the fly as the user follows the scenario — to support complex use cases.

A visit script is typically implemented as a form on a mobile device and may include a checklist of job items to be completed on-site, data to be collected (such as sales or performance metrics), people to be interviewed, photos to be taken, and client or partner feedback to be collected.

In more complex scenarios, a form may show or hide data fields based on previously entered data, execute outbound API calls to prefill form fields from an external IT system, and other automated actions required by the scenario.

Visit Script vs. To-do list

While visit scenarios can be expressed in the form of a simple to-do list, digital or printed, such to-do lists may significantly limit your team’s productivity by not addressing the challenges listed below that can be efficiently addressed by a comprehensive digital visit scripting tool.

Challenges without Visit Scripting

1 Post-visit data entry takes up additional time

When following static checklists, your field team had to save collected data on their devices or paper notebooks first and then re-enter it into the CRM or field service management platform. This more than doubled the time needed to enter data.

2 Lack of real-time data validation leads to incorrect data and missed data

When using static to-do checklists, information that a field rep saves to their device is not validated, so errors and missed data points are not caught while the rep is still at the location and could address these issues.

3 Lack of auto-adjusting forms leads to missed or incorrect steps and missed data

In more complex scenarios, some work items must be executed, or data points must be collected only if a condition is met. A “flat” to-do list that enumerates all possible work items and data points, with a description of cases when each of these items needs to be filled in, is notoriously inefficient in supporting custom scenarios compared to a digital form that can show or hide work items and data points depending on what field reps enter over the course of the visit.

4 Post-visit data entry prevents collecting actionable visit performance analysis

When a field team enters collected data when they return to the office without clocking in and out of a visit, important performance metrics are lost, such as visit start delay, actual visit duration, visit finish delay, job overtime, etc., which also prevent company management from being able to analyze field performance metrics, receive alerts on unexpectedly low real-time performance of team members, or discover actionable insights that may result in significant performance gains.

5 Lack of geofencing of visits reduces self-discipline and productivity

Before the introduction of digital tools like Mapsly, which can check a sales rep’s geolocation to ensure s/he actually arrived at the location, field teams had the liberty to “check into” a location while being far away from it, at an arbitrary time. This lack of transparency took up management’s valuable time to ensure discipline in their struggle to push for top performance.

6 Lack of real-time field data negatively impacts performance

Delayed data entry also deprives the management from acting on events in the changing operational environment in real-time leaving this opportunity unexploited and leading to a disadvantage against businesses that can take regroup their field teams and take other actions in real time as visits happen and data about them becomes available in the system.

How Mapsly Enables Visit Scripting

What a typical visit script looks like

Mapsly offers a set of tightly integrated tools that, together, allow you to standardize (script) the flow of your visits, as well as a team of experienced solution engineers, at no extra cost, who will help you structure your requirements for visit scripts and configure Mapsly to implement them. Where necessary, they write programming code on Maplsy’s Automation Platform, also at no extra cost, to address the parts of the scripts that cannot be addressed by the point-and-click capabilities of the Automation Platform.

Our solution engineers will place custom buttons, like Check In and Check Out, in various parts of the Mapsly mobile app’s user interface, where your users expect to find them. 

When your outside field rep or service technician arrives at a location and clicks the Check In button (or any other custom button), Mapsly will compare the rep’s location with the visit location. If the rep is too far away, Mapsly may mark the visit as geographically unverified or prevent the rep from starting the visit altogether, depending on the requirements of your particular business. 

Optionally, your field agent may be checked into a location automatically as s/he approaches it.

The Check In button will bring up custom forms listing all the steps the rep needs to do to complete the visit, which may include work items to be done, data points to be collected, interviews to be done, photos to be taken, e-signature to be received, etc, with all the necessary prompts and field descriptions to guide users through the visit. 

Upon the form’s submission, the collected data, including photos and e-signature, will be immediately synced to your CRM or spreadsheet and will be reflected on your performance dashboards in Mapsly.

How Mapsly Addressed the Challenges

1 All collected filled-in data is immediately synced to the CRM, eliminating duplicate data entry

Since all collected data is immediately synced to the CRM, there’s no need to save it in an intermediary location in order to enter it into the CRM after the visit, freeing up field reps’ time for value-added work.

2 All data is validated in real time, eliminating errors and missed data points

Since the form validates all the data being entered, this eliminates the risk of data errors and ensures the all the required information is collected. For example, if you require customer feedback to be collected during every visit, the visit would not be completed before the Customer feedback field is filled in.

You may configure custom validation rules for any of the fields, or even have Mapsly call an external IT system during the visit to validate being entered.

3 Form’s content will automatically adapt to stay relevant throughout the visit

As the user fills the form, further form fields will be shown or hidden depending on the script, prompting user to fill in data that became relevant. For example, if your field rep must do several interviews at a store that s/he visits, s/he would press the button to add an Interview block with all the required fields.

The form may differ depending on their location type and properties, on the user, and the form’s content will automatically adjust based on custom conditions. All your CRM’s standard and custom fields and properties are automatically available to be included into the form steps.

4 Mapsly automatically collects performance data and updates analytical dashboards

When your field team uses Check In and Check Out buttons to start and finish visits, Mapsly logs visit start time and end time and feeds it to the field performance dashboards pre-configured for all Mapsly clients in Mapsly Analytics, which includes various detailed metrics such as completion vs. missed visits, on time arrival, visit overtime, and many more. 

All metrics are available per user and aggregated for the selected users, over a time period. You also have the option to see how these metrics changed over time, per user, or aggregated for a team.

5 Geofencing ensures transparency and self-discipline, which boosts performance

When Check In and Check Out buttons are configured to prevent starting or finishing a visit when a field rep is far away from the location, this provides transparency of field operations and automatically boosts team productivity through self-discipline, without any additional efforts or training.

6 Instant data availability enables real-time operational decisions

Since all collected data is instantly saved to your CRM or spreadsheet and immediately reflected in Mapsly Analytics’ dashboards, you can make decisions based on the results of particular visits, enabling reaction time and adaptability that were not possible before.

If necessary, Mapsly can also be configured to feed visit data to the CRM in real time, even before the Check In form is submitted.