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Mapsly Trial for Freshworks

Mapsly exchanges data with your Freshworks through its API. Create a Mapsly trial account and connect it to your Freshworks account.

Để bắt đầu dùng thử Mapsly:

  • Go to Setup in the Mapsly main menu
  • In Setup click the ‘+’ button to add a new data source, select Connector Làm mới
  • You’ll be prompted to enter your CRM url and API key:

To find your CRM URL and API key, please in your Freshworks account go to Admin Settings -> Apps & Integrations -> API Settings. You will be prompted to check the CAPTCHA to have your API credentials.

Copy your bundle alias and paste it as a CRM URL.

Copy your API key and paste it as an API key in Mapsly Connection settings.


Important! Your CRM URL will be different depending on whether you are using Freshworks or Freshsales. Please find examples below:



You can always find a full installation guide for Freshworks trong Bản đồly trung tâm trợ giúp. Nhấp vào trò chuyện icon  ở góc dưới bên phải để liên hệ với Kỹ sư giải pháp trong trường hợp bạn cần trợ giúp.