Share & embed live maps with territories

Publish maps with territories by link & embed them into website, dashboards, portals, or send by email

Use the shared maps feature to publish your territories with live CRM data and territory metrics by link and add them to any external resource that supports embedding using iframe – websites, portals, dashboards, including the Smartsheet dashboard – or simply send them to your customers by email.

When publishing, you can control:

  • What CRM data and territory groups viewers can see,

  • Which Mapsly features will be available for them,

  • Whether the Territories panel should be visible and allow them to show/hide territories and switch between territory groups,

  • Map’s starting position, zoom, and tiles.

Example of embedded dark map with territories

zeitview featured image

How Zeitview tripled its service team’s productivity using Mapsly

Learn how Zeitview used Mapsly to boost its field technicians’ efficiency, provide better service, automate admin tasks, and avoid unnecessary hires and IT costs.

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